Welcome to Voice Activation

This month discount code for 20 % OFF all my IRL and online courses and retreats is 'CODEXX'
Next live Q&A [DATE] at [CET TIME] via Zoomlink. Password:[XXXX]

You have open access to the videos on this page, and I pinky swear that what you see here will never disappear behind a paywall. I believe in this work and I want you to be able to experience it, whoever you are and wherever you are in the world. 

Each of these videos is a short practice designed to teach you new tools and develop different practices around exploring and strengthening your voice.

kimgajraj-course 1
Course Description 01

This is a short description of your course. Please write maximum two lines of what this course is about. Keep it short.

Course Description 02

This is a short description of your course. Please write maximum two lines of what this course is about. Keep it short.

Course Description 03

This is a short description of your course. Please write maximum two lines of what this course is about. Keep it short.



As a member you can ask me questions you have about voicework via email. I will answer within 48 hours between Monday–Friday 10–15.